Prostates and Pleasure .. that Secret Spot

Now more than ever, people are wondering about that exciting little spot between men’s legs. Often called the male g-spot, the prostate is the behind-the-scenes center of pleasure. The jury has confirmed, with rigid thumbs up, that prostate stimulation feels good......

Prostate Massage … Sexy and Healthy

I am not a doctor, and none of this is medical advice … but believe me … there are lots of doctors interested in what Dakinis are doing with men on their massage tables! Milking a prostate sounds very sterile, but in fact it’s awesome. And it confirms more than ever...

Touching with Intention…

Love making, tantric sensuality, genuine caring is an energetic component to our touch, one we can affect with our minds. How we do this is through our innate access to the subtle realms of human communication.I would love to have you read this article and more ......

Sexuality and Self Image … Aging Like Fine Wine

Just as they ignited the sexual revolution of the 1970's the baby boomers fuel the sexual healing revolution of the 21's century! As we age, our needs change, or entire emotional structure changes with our wisdom and perspective on life ... Why not, also, our sexual...

Relationships & Healing

real vs. ideal … tantric perfection pales in comparison to the real sauce of life. Who we are as unique individuals, playing the dance of God, is much more interesting that the cold stone statues of Shiva and Shakti sitting lifeless in eternity.... Through a tantric...

Splinters in Our Souls … How We Heal

Think of your pain as a splinter… we notice more the lack of pain when it’s no longer there. Simple wellness is so inherently easy, we almost need the opposite, complicated pain to appreciate it. I would love to have you read this article and more ... Please Join my...